The Elm City Resident Card is a picture ID for New Haven residents so they can access basic services within city limits.
The Elm City Resident ID Card features the bearer’s photo, name, address, date of birth, and signature. The card serves as a secondary form of identification for residents of New Haven.
In addition to serving as identification, the card can be used to cash checks (at Start Bank), to help obtain employment, access city libraries, parks, public transit and access food pantries. The card is also helpful as an ID when interacting with the New Haven Public Safety, Police and Fire Departments.
The Elm City Resident ID Card has been issued to those recently released from incarceration who have worked with the Office of Community Resilience to help get integrated back into the society of New Haven. The card is also issued for Youth at Work Program participants.
To obtain an Elm City Resident Card, applicants must apply in-person to the Office of Vital Statistics at:
165 Church Street, 1st floor, Suite 154
First Wednesday of Each Month
To obtain a resident card, the applicant must present acceptable identification, provide proof of residency and pay a CASH ONLY fee ($10 for adults and $5 for children 16 and under.) Acceptable identification includes:
Section A Must provide one of the following valid documents: | Section B Must provide two of the following documents dated within the last 90 days: |
Or two of the following documents:
Section A Must provide one of the following valid documents: |
Or two of the following documents:
Section B Must provide two of the following documents dated within the last 90 days: |
Proof of residency must have the name and address of the applicant. Residency documents with only one name will only be accepted for married couples if an original marriage certificate is presented.
The Elm City Resident ID card is a Secondary form of identification. It CANNOT be used to replace or instead of a Primary ID. It is only a Secondary form of ID with a picture for New Haven residents.
CASH ONLY fee ($10 for adults and $5 for children 16 and under)
The list of requirements to obtain or update an Elm City Resident ID card are as follows:
If you are a parent applying for a child, you must also provide proof of school enrollment and/or PowerSchool enrollment for your child.