New Haven Health

Vital Statistics

The Office of Vital Statistics maintains birth, death, and marriage events that take place in the city of New Haven.

For those born in the City of New Haven:

For those married or getting married in the City of New Haven:

For those who have died in the City of New Haven:

We also provide certain types of genealogical research and the Elm City Resident ID card.

The Office of Vital Statistics is located on the 1st floor of City Hall

165 Church St, New Haven, Suite #154

It is a wheelchair accessible building, directly on a bus route and within distance of a train station.  Parking is available on the street or in a nearby parking garage.



First Wednesday of the month

Office staff are bilingual (Spanish/English).
Additional translation services are available.

Phone: 203-946-7931
Fax: 203-946-7717
Email Us

Prepare For Your Visit

To receive any certificate from the office of Vital Statistics, an individual must have proper identification. Acceptable forms of identification (ID) include:

  • Current, valid State ID issued by the State DMV
  • Current, valid motor vehicle ID issued by the State DMV (with the correct address)
  • A current, valid passport
  • Current Military ID


If you do not have any of this information, you will need any two of the following documents:

  • Social Security Card
  • Current utility bill showing name and address dated within the last 90 days
  • Voter’s Registration Card
  • Car Registration showing your name and address


Fees range from $15-$65. Fee amounts for specific documents are listed in the Forms & Requirements section here. We take cash, credit/debit cards, or money orders (the Elm City ID is cash only). For money orders, please make payable to: Vital Statistics.

Non-New Haven Vital Records

For events that took place outside of New Haven but within the State of Connecticut, records can be ordered directly from the Connecticut State Department of Public Health Vital Records Office.

Immigration Legal Services

In December 2023, if you already applied for a marriage license, you may have received a letter notifying you that information and documents provided to our office during the course of your application for a marriage license may have been shared with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and flagged as questionable. We sincerely apologize for any unnecessary anxiety this may cause you and your loved ones. Please be assured that the City of New Haven makes every effort to preserve the confidentiality of the information provided to us by those utilizing City services, regardless of immigration status or any other factor.

If you wish to contact an immigration attorney regarding your individual situation, click here for a list of legal resources.

Genealogical Research

New Haven Vital Statistics Vault

Scheduled appointments are available for registered members of Genealogical Societies on Wednesdays from 10:00am-4:00pm.

Call 203-946-7931 to make an appointment.

Genealogists must present hard copies of:

  • Valid membership card recognized by the Secretary of State’s office
  • Government-issued photo ID

Current members of a genealogical societies that are incorporated or authorized to do business or conduct affairs in Connecticut are entitled to access all vital records except confidential files related to adoption, parentage, surrogacy agreements, and sex amendments related to gender re-assignment. Also note that genealogists may not access the Social Security numbers on vital records consistent with federal law.

The following rules and guidelines are strictly enforced:
  • Photographic copying of ANY kind is prohibited by law.
  • Cell phones are not permitted in the Vital Statistics Vault.
  • Food & beverages are not permitted in the Vital Statistics Vault.

Reference for New Haven Records:
  • Indexes begin in 1750
  • Record Books begin in 1877
  • For records older than 1877 you might find more information via the Connecticut State Library

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