We seek to protect the public while maintaining New Haven’s quality standards for food preparation and service. To achieve this we work with owners and operators of food service establishments within the city limits to uphold the 2022 FDA Model Food Code and the City Code of Ordinances.
Food service and itinerant vendor licenses expire on May 1st, 2025. To renew your license, complete a re-application online with CitySquared.
License fees and instructions are explained in the letters below. For help with CitySquared, please email [email protected] or call 855-436-5500. For general questions, contact the NHV Health at 203-946-8174.
Food service establishment renewal letter: English & Español
Itinerant vendor renewal letter: English & Español
All food service businesses must complete an application for a license online with CitySquared.
Office hours are available to assist with applications on Tuesdays from 2:00pm-4:00pm and Wednesdays from 9:00am-12:00pm.
If you need help applying for or renewing your license, use these how-to guides.
These step-by-step guides explain how the food licensing process in New Haven works.
View a sample of the Food Service Inspection Form